If He Had Been With Me

If He Had Been With Me by Laura Nowlin
Laura Nowlin
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 2, 2024

If He Had Been With Me is a romance novel following Autumn. Autumn has always had a crush on Finny. Finny is Autumn's next door neighbor and their moms are best friends. Finny and Autumn were best friends in their childhood, but once they got to high school and Autumn got a boyfriend everything changed. They rarely interacted, but their love for the other was still there. Will they recognize their love for the other before it's too late?

Personally I would have enjoyed this book more if it had addressed the time the author intentionally skipped. It might make it easier to understand what was happening. I enjoyed this book a lot because the character development was amazing. The author did a great job describing the changes gradually. She also did a great job with the plot. There were no plot holes and it seemed to flow well together.

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I love Oreos

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