Autumn Davis and Phineas Smith are best friends, and have been for as long as they can remember. As they grow up and apart, different interests and different people pull them away from each other. Since their mothers are best friends, they see each other occasionally during high school, but Autumn’s new boyfriend and Finny’s new girlfriend get in the way of any other interaction. Autumn has only just begun to realize the depth of her feelings for Finny, and by the time the two realize what they feel is reciprocated, the clock has been running out for too long. After a tragic accident, Autumn decides that she cannot live without her Finny. That is, until she discovers that she is pregnant with Finny’s baby. Autumn must navigate her grief and pain while learning the ropes of motherhood, without the love of her life by her side.
I loved this book so much. It was tragic and painful, but reassuring and eye opening at the same time. The writing style was pretty basic, it was an easy read, but that didn’t take away from the story that had me crying by the end of it. I was immersed in the story and the characters were likable, but I also hated the amount of miscommunication between everyone. It just seemed a bit much, but that could be me. Overall, I would rate this book a four point five out of five, as I loved the story, but the writing felt a bit juvenile at times. This book made me feel something, which is another reason I loved it so much.