Well of Ascension

Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 19, 2024

Brandon Sanderson’s book, Well of Ascension, is the second book in the Mistborn series. The book is focused on a war in a much larger scale than the first book in the series, and ultimately sets the scene for the third book. The story with Elend Venture and Vin adds a good dynamic to the story. However, there are a few parts throughout the story that drag on and cause boring stretches in the book. Along with that the absence of Kelsier is an unfortunate necessity as it leaves out the best character from the third book. Although it wasn’t as good as the first book in the series, Well of Ascension is definitely a book I would recommend for people that enjoyed the first story. The expansion of the story is boring at times but ends up leading to a great third book.

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