As their house burns in a tragic house fire, twins Pat and Dom are forced to move into a cottage by the sea. Their family consists of their younger sister, their mom, dad, and grandmother who seems to be plagued with Alzheimer's. Night after night, the boys experience difficult and fearful dreams plagued with a boy who is so pale and unnerving he appears to be more like a goblin. Suddenly, the twins discover that this boy is not simply a bad dream, but a creature that takes over Dom. Pat is left with the knowledge that the boy who looks like his brother is not him at all. The novel slowly uncovers the mysteries and untold truths as Pat searches for if his brother is still even alive.
I was not particularly infatuated with this book. It’s a different read due to the addition of Irish diction throughout the text. To add, the novel is also set in the 1970s so the culture is different from that of today’s world. This was not a book that I just couldn’t put down. Honestly, I read it over a couple months, but I never gave it up. The novel had just enough intrigue and unanswered questions that I felt I had to keep reading in order to see what happens. I was looking for a horror book to read and I came across this novel which was said to have horror, but honestly it just seemed like a mystery novel to me. Nevertheless, it was a decent book that passed time and gave me a break from my phone. I’m not sure if it’s because I just am not that into ghost stories or if it just was not what I was looking for, but it wasn’t all that captivating for me. On the other hand, if you are into thrilling ghost stories this is a great book for you. I just don’t think this was the one for me.