Amal Unbound

Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed
Aisha Saeed
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 6, 2023

Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed is a realistic fiction book that takes place in Pakistan. Amal

loves to learn and wants to be a teacher, but being the oldest child means she is responsible for

caring for her siblings instead of receiving an education. Amal works hard and goes to school

whenever she can, but one day everything changes. Amal accidentally runs into the richest

man in the village and angers him. She is forced to be one of his servants, at one of his private

estates, to pay off her debt. Things get even worse for Amal when another servant becomes

jealous of her and gives her the worst tasks. As Amal continues to work off her debt, she

becomes one of her master's favorite servants, and someone with power can help those without

a voice, especially if it is done for the right reasons. I enjoyed reading this book and would

recommend it to anyone who likes to read about some of the problems in our world. The story

takes place in present-day Pakistan where people are often forced into indentured servitude

where they are treated unfairly. I like that this book focuses on issues that can easily be

overlooked and gives a voice to the powerless.


Written by
Victoria O.

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