Animal Farm

Animal Farm
George Orwell
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 29, 2023

I liked how short this book was, it was very clear in its message, even early on. The book overviews a farm in which the animals overturn the humans and attempt to govern themselves. The book shows perfectly the dangers of greed and hunger for power, showing how anyone is susceptible to this, to the point of even animals. The book goes into a slow spiral from equality and fairness to injustice and discrimination. I really liked how the farm progressed slowly into a totalitarian-style government. The hierarchy, the propaganda, and the people's (technically animals) opinions were all perfectly displayed and I feel like the book is simplified enough to the point that anyone could read it and understand the nature of how a totalitarian movement works and what the animals represent. The book clearly fits all the animals into a certain role, the pigs played the greedy leaders, the dogs played the police, the sheep were the mindless crowd, etc. The pigs give humans the role of being evil, and that is the fact that when they got into power they were better off, which was a lie. The rules they set for themselves were being changed, but no one questioned it, except for a single pony. There wasn't a single thing that I didn't like about this book, I also really liked the ending, it helped bring the whole purpose together.

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