Ash Princess

Ash Princess
Laura Sebastian
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 2, 2024

Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian is a fantasy novel that follows teenage girl Theodosia as she navigates being the rightful heir to the Astrean throne. Her kingdom was taken from her family when she was a young girl by an evil man known as the Kaiser. The royal family was all killed except for Theodosia, and she is publicly shamed as the “Ash Princess” in order for the Kaiser to maintain control. Theodosia has to use her wits and unexpected friends in order to win her kingdom back. This book is the first in a trilogy, so the ending isn’t final. Theodosia is such a strong female character and I can’t wait to see her story develop even more. One of the main reasons I enjoyed this book was that Theodosia is incredibly smart and her arch helps the story progress in an interesting way. I loved how even though she had faced such hardship early on in her life, she chose to still believe in herself and her country, choosing not to stand down. I will definitely be continuing to read this series!

Written by
Emma Davis

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