Batting Order

Batting Order by Mike Lupica
Mike Lupica
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 24, 2022

It starts off with an abnormally short kid named Matt Baker. Baseball is everything to him

because he doesn’t have to talk much on the field. Matt doesn’t like talking because he stutters.

Matt wants to win the championship of the All-Star league. His team name was the Astros and

he loved the actual Astros because Jose Altuve was short like him and George Springer also

stuttered like Matt. Ben Roberson and his dad stand in the way of the Astros winning the

league. Ben Roberson is Matt’s teammate and he is the cleanup batter. His swing isn’t very

good and he strikeouts a lot. His position in the batting order really affects the entire team

because he’s the “4” hitter. Ben tries to fix his swing by asking for help but his dad thinks Ben

should swing his way which leads to many strikeouts and only a few home runs. Ben’s dad also

thinks baseball isn’t for girls. Matt’s mom is the assistant coach for the team and Ben’s dad

doesn’t want to listen to her. Ben gets grounded after taking lessons about batting with Matt and

his mom and he might miss the playoffs. Matt and his mom visit Ben’s dad and have a talk with

him before the games they are going to play. Read more to find out what happened.

I really liked this book because I play baseball and I know how it feels when teammates are

doing things wrong and it affects the entire team. I also love the game of baseball and I found it

readable because I understood it. I would recommend this book to people who at least kind of

understand baseball/softball.

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