Battle Dragons: City of Thieves

Battle Dragons: City of Thieves by Alex London
Alex London
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 28, 2023

Title: Battle Dragons

Author: Alex London

Genre: Fantasy Fiction

Summary: Abel has lived a normal life. Well, as normal as riding a dragon to school can be.

However, that is as close to dragons as he can get after he failed his dragon riders test. This all

changes when Abel's sister, Lina, comes to him and trusts him to keep her secret; the fact that

she has stolen a dragon. This wouldn't be a very good secret to share with her family because

her brother is a "rising star" in the city's law enforcement. He goes to see the dragon and

realizes that the dragon trusts him and thinks Abel is his owner. Now Abel is caught up in

dragon battles and kin fights because he befriended the stolen dragon.

Opinion: Honestly, I thought that this book was great. It had a very unique plot that I had never

read before and I liked how it wasn’t very slowpaced. Though I thought that the end of the book

was very predictable, the build up to the end was interesting and kept me reading.


Written by
Abby S.

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