The Bean Trees

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Barbara Kingsolver
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
May 13, 2024

Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees is a dramatic fiction novel set that illustrates the novel’s main character, Taylor Greer, on her journey to escape her hometown and become a strong, independent woman—one who is not limited by her upbringing. Taylor’s life significantly changes at her discovery of a child in her car—she later discovers the child’s name is Turtle, an abandoned young girl. Now, on top of Taylor’s existing struggles from leaving (financial responsibility and a limited support system), she is forced to reevaluate her situation and become Turtle’s caregiver. Along the way, Taylor develops a support system from the women she meets, and she obtains the meaningful connections that are necessary for a single parent to have. 

To say I loved this novel would be an understatement. It was beautifully written, and it touched on themes that spoke to me—such as individual growth, community, and resilience. I would recommend this novel because it is unique in the sense that this isn’t the type of book that you come across every day. The Bean Trees did an exceptional job at communicating Taylor’s story in a fulfilling, meaningful way, while simultaneously resonating with the reader.

Written by
Bella Paul

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