Big Nate On a Roll

Big Nate On a Roll by Lincoln Peirce
Lincoln Peirce
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 9, 2024

Sixth grader Nate Wright needs a new skateboard…but more than that he needs to beat perfect Artur at SOMETHING. Artur has Jenny, the girl Nate likes. Artur charms adults and kids alike, and Nate can’t stand it. What makes it double awful is that Artur is such a nice guy. Infuriating. But Artur is to blame for Nate’s losing his skateboard…indirectly. Artur dripped paint in Nate’s eye, causing Nate to knock over the ladder Artur was on. Nate got detention (Artur didn’t), and Nate had to hurry on his skateboard to get to Timber Scouts. In the hurry, Nate was caught off guard by a lady and her poodle, and his board sailed into the river. There is a chance he can win a new board by selling (dorky) wall hangings door to door for Scouts. He just has to beat the new kid in the troop…Artur! 

Peirce’s Big Nate On a Roll chapter book is the slickest of this series of hybrid comics-and-text chapter books. Another reason why I love this book is because Nate’s an artistic, realistic and funny narrator that will always find a way to make a connection to the reader. This book is a must read for people that enjoy funny or relatable stories!

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