Blank Confession

Blank Confession by Pete Hautman
Pete Hautman
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Nov 18, 2021

A teenage boy walks into a police station with a bleeding leg and a determined face.

Face-to-face to an officer named Rawls, the young boy named Shayne brazenly confesses to a

murder he may or may not have committed. The story is told through multiple perspectives

forcing the reader to decipher what is true and what is fake. The catalyst of the story is when

Mikey, a short boy who loves to wear suits, is framed for holding drugs. From there the story

takes off.

Blank Confession, by Pete Hautman, is a mystery novel that creates tension and

suspense with each page. The alternation between perspectives ties the book together as the

reader experiences it as Officer Rawls does. With its interesting themes and concepts, this book

is worth reading for any mystery fan. The cover helps draw the reader's eye and brings up

questions to compel the reader to choose the book. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and

would give it 5 stars.

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