The Blood of Flowers

The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani
Anita Amirrezvani
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 7, 2022

The Blood of Flowers displays a young girl, unnamed and desperate for marriage

However, fate seemed to have other plans as her father injures himself and soon falls sick. Days

go by as the girl and her mother aid to her father’s sickness but it does not do well, as he falls

dead within the arms of his wife. Stricken by poverty and grief, the girl and her mother have no

choice but to reach out to her mother’s long lost brother, who was a rich carpet maker in the rich

city known as Isfahan. Upon traveling, the girl and her mother are welcomed in the magnificent

home only to be turned into servants. While walking in to her uncle’s carpet business, the girl

pleads for him to teach her how to choose colors and create a wonderful Persian carpet, until he

finally relents. However, when making the carpet, the girl messes up and forces herself to start

over, ripping all the expensive wool out of the loom. She is severely punished for her actions and

is then forced to marry a businessman for three months in order to gain money for her family.

She expects to be thrust in a “marriage” of deep love and yearning, but her husband only uses her

for simple pleasures every night for three months. Consequently, trouble arises when the girl’s

best friend, Naheed, is forced into a real marriage with the businessman. Losing her friendship

and her temporary marriage, the girl and her mother are then banished onto the streets, forced to

beg for money in the home of another poor citizen. However, the girl is able to finish her carpet

and it sells for many coins, giving the girl enough money for a second chance at life with her

mother and new poverty-stricken friends.

I honestly really enjoyed this novel. While it was slow at the beginning, The Blood of

Flowers had me on the edge of my seat as to what would happen to the main character during her

time at the rich city. This book explored many different topics, such as complicated love and just

plain lust. The main character is determined to lead her life and does not give up throughout her

adventures. This may not be the best book I’ve read but it comes close with the deep messages

and the natural setting. There were times I felt like laughing out loud only to be crying a few

pages later. The novel was emotional and touched me in places I never knew existed. I loved this

novel and the intricate details in the process of writing this novel. Anita Amirrezvani really does

know how to write her characters with deep personalities and a rich story. All I know for sure is

that I will never look at a Persian carpet the same again.


Written by
Iqra N.

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