Born a Crime is a comedic memoir written by Trevor Noah. Trevor Noah is a famous comedian and host of “The Daily Show”, and this collection of stories highlights his experience as a mixed child growing up in apartheid South Africa, a place where it was illegal for races to mix. As a result, Trevor shares the story of a man who lived in a world where he was unwanted, and it results in some amazing life lessons. Trevor, being a comedian, injects some amazing humor into this book but wields it in a way where he proves his point. The overall theme of the book is getting up even after being knocked down, and Trevor uses his humor not only to serve the story and entertain the audience, but to also prove his point that different perspectives and time can heal wounds. This is just one of the many lessons Trevor teaches in this book, and I encourage everyone to read it because of the immense value it holds. I promise that everyone who reads this book can take at least one lesson away from Trevor’s experiences, and it’s a page-turner that will have you laughing one second and crying in the next.