The book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a dystopian novel that follows the main characters Bernard, Lenina, and John. In this world, religion is replaced by drugs that are called soma and individuals worship Henry Ford. All individuals are placed into a caste system which creates a divided and judgmental society, with all individuals having predestined lives. The novel has lots of plot twists with scenarios that are very dystopian compared to our own world.
I enjoyed this book a lot because of the portrayal of a consumerist society that the government drives. This felt very similar to how our society runs off fast fashion and social trends which was interesting to read about. Additionally, this book was quite fast paced which I liked, with many scenery changes and always introducing new characters into the plot. For most of the book, the point of view is from Bernard or John who often disagrees with how things are run in their society which is more relatable and fun to read. I would recommend this book and more specifically to anyone who enjoys the show Black Mirror or the book 1984 by George Orwell.