The Cabinet of Wonders

Marie Rutkoski
Apr 10, 2017

Petra’s father has been summoned to Prague by the prince to build the world’s finest astronomical clock. But when he returns home blind with the prince having stolen his eyes, she knows she must steal them back. Along the way, she discovers hidden talents and finds that many people in the castle are not what they seem.

I love books with strong, spunky heroines. And The Cabinet of Wonders has one of the spunkiest heroines out there.There is a charm to her that draws you into her world and keeps you there right beside her as she has adventures through life.

The book is a glorious read. The pace is fast at times and honeyed at others. The fictional and real world intersperse brilliantly and you can almost believe that such a world once existed somewhere in time. The characters, all of them, are so awesomely crafted, their detail, their characteristics, the subtleties within their personalities – they are a pleasure to read.

Middle-age readers will have no trouble reading this book.

Written by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC

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