A Canticle For Leibowitz

A Canticle For Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
Walter M. Miller Jr.
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Mar 3, 2025

After the Flame Deluge and the Great Simplification, humanity is left with no awareness of its history or scientific achievements. A simple order of monks, worshipping the Saint Leibowitz hundreds of years after his death stumble upon some documents that might bring light as to what the world was like before, and open the door to new scientific discoveries. 

If I could ask of you one thing, it would be to never pick up this book. It was the most boring, mind-numbing and simply stupid book I’ve ever read (and I’ve read a lot). I never quit books halfway through, but I was willing to put aside my principles for this book, and would have had it not been required reading for my school. What anyone could possibly learn from this actual dusty tome of a book I’ll never understand. I remain convinced that my English teacher only assigned it as a form of corporal punishment, but alas that’s nothing I can prove. I am begging you, don’t read this. One out of five stars, only because I can’t give zero. 

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