Carry Me Home

Carry Me Home by Janet Fox
Janet Fox
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 7, 2022

When twelve year old Lulu’s dad goes missing, it becomes Lulu’s job to

take care of her sister Serena. Lulu has to take her fathers work with only

about seventy dollars, while taking care of her classes. She has to overcome

her problems with hard work in order to protect herself and her sister from

getting separated.

I really enjoyed reading this book. This book is a sad book, but is quite

motivating. I like how this book has lots of ups and downs, and can be

finished quite quickly. The chapters are about two to three pages only, which

makes it a fast read. I could not put this book down!! This book is a good read

for ages 12 and up, as it has some heavy topics, but it is a must have book!!


Written by
Sriha P.

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