“Female psychopaths, researchers eventually realized, don't present like the males. To which I respond: No shit. We women have an emotional wiliness that shellacs us in glossy patina of caring. We have been raised to take interest in promoting healthy interior lives of other humans; preparation, I suppose, for taking on the emotional labor of motherhood - or marriage; either way, really. Few women come into maturity unscathed by the suffocating pink press of girlhood, and even psychopaths are touched by the long, frilly arm of feminine expectations. It's not that women psychopaths don't exist; it's that we fake it better than men.”
A Certain Hunger follows the illusive Dorothy Daniels, a popular food writer for the elite, and a convicted serial killer. The book is told through her perspective as she describes the various men she’s killed, and later eaten. From feeding a man to his dogs to drowning another, she spares no details in the gruesome recount of her various crimes. An absolutely stellar read, I found this book fascinating. It was horribly dark, macabre throughout and quite gory, but I’ve never minded any of that. The storyline was so well thought out and descriptive I found myself wondering at several points if perhaps the author has some secrets herself. Truly unique, but the closest thing I could think to relate to it would be the show Hannibal. For fans of that show, check out a female Hannibal who kills only men she (perceives) to have wronged her. Definitely takes a bit of a stomach to read it, but for anyone who’s always been fascinated with the macabre, this is perfect.