Disney fairytales meet Gotham City in this crime fantasy drama! The story follows Mary Elizabeth, an intern at the Monarch City police department. Mary Elizabeth is a Legacy, those who once had magic before it disappeared in the Great Death. When the daughter of one of the most powerful businessmen in the Scar— the neighborhood where Mary Elizabeth lives with her Legacy boyfriend and best friend— goes missing, Mary Elizabeth is assigned her very first case! As Mary Elizabeth investigates, she discovers that this girl’s disappearance is part of a deeper, darker mystery. Can she solve it, or will she be back on desk duty before she has a chance to prove her skills?
The coming of age story of Maleficent, Ursula, Captain Hook, and more are explored in Estelle Laure’s novel City of Villains, the first of a rumored trilogy. The 229-page story is a compelling read for any fantasy lover. I rate the book 3.5 stars, but I’ll round up to 4 because the characters made me laugh. The ending felt rushed, but it was far from what I expected, so be sure to read to the end! In a place like the Scar, everything is not what it seems. Pick up City of Villains by Estelle Laure to visit the roots of these classic Disney villains!