Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves by Meg Long is a book about Sena, a seventeen-year-old girl who lives on Tundar, a frozen planet with nothing to show except for the annual race that killed her mothers. Sena hates the race, and she wants to do is get out Tundar. But after double-crossing her town’s lead gangster, she has to flee from her home with a stolen fighting wolf, and her only option becomes joining the race. Her and her wolf, Iska, face many challenges along the way, but the big question is: will they survive the wrath of the wilderness, or will Sena and Iska join the countless others who never returned from the race?
I liked Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves; I thought it was a pretty good book! I’ll be honest, it took me a while to really get into it, but after I did, I liked it a lot. One thing that I especially liked was how Sena and Iska’s relationship grows and changes throughout the book. I also liked how the characters’ overall personalities were relatable to myself or people I know. I’d rate this book 4 out of 5 stars!