Concrete Rose

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas
Angie Thomas
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 8, 2022

The book follows a senior in highschool, Maverick. Maverick has been in a gang since he was

12 and has started selling marajuana to earn some extra money and to help his mom pay for

bills. Maverick finds himself with a son that he did not know that he had and now has to raise on

his own. Throughout the story you see Mav deal with becoming a new father while trying to

make the ends meet. Maverick’s ex-girlfriend comes to him saying that she is pregnant and

wants to keep the baby. Maverick then becomes a father of two while still in highschool. He

needs to be able to support his two children so he turns to selling hardcore drugs to make ends

meet. At the end of the story we see that Maverick has turned his life around and has stopped

selling drugs and is now studying to get his GED so he can get his highschool education out of

the way. I liked this book and gave it a four out of five. This book shows the struggle of

becoming a teen dad while being in a gang at the same time. The ending of the book was good

and left me satisfied with the characters in the book. This book should be read by anyone but

especially teens because most of the characters are around that age.

Written by
Aubrie C.

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