
Counterfeit by Kirstin Chen
Kirstin Chen
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 27, 2022

In Counterfeit, Ava is a successful Asian-American lawyer with a Stanford degree (she

hasn’t worked in law in years) with an amazing surgeon husband (they barely talk unless it's

about their son or to argue) and a beautiful perfect son (he constantly cries, can’t talk yet, and is

prone to violent outbursts). In a strange coincidence, Ava reconnects with her old college

roommate, Winnie. Winnie dropped out of Stanford freshman year under mysterious

circumstances and returned to China. Yet she’s back in the United States, ready to do favors for

Ava, whether that’s being an intermediary with her husband when they fight or quieting her son's

tantrums. Soon, Winnie reveals how Ava can pay her back - by helping out with her counterfeit

handbag scheme, which has been bringing in millions. Ava, who has worked hard her entire life

to succeed while following the rules, is disgusted and refuses. Yet her protests aren’t quite as

real as she wants them to be - and Winnie is not necessarily as forthcoming with her intentions

as she seems.

This book has a really interesting premise and is insightful at times. However, I found it a

little boring. There weren’t really any big twists that really shocked me and I felt somewhat

unsatisfied with the ending. I do think it did a great job of communicating the value and feeling

that a designer handbag can create, as well as describing the misconceptions that some people

have surrounding Asian-Americans and China. Overall, it was a pretty good read and I would

give it three stars.


Written by
Mariam S.

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