Of Curses and Kisses

Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon
Sandhya Menon
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 24, 2022


Princess Jaya Rao, heiress to the Indian Kingdom has long upheld her duties as the

eldest daughter in a brown household. The weight of responsibility she carries on her

shoulders that she has taken upon herself is weighing her down. The only thing in world

that she wants in this world is to make her family happy and prove to be a dutiful

daughter. She finds out she will be attending St. Rosetta’s Academy for boarding

school, however, Grey Emerson happens to attend here as well. The Emerson family

used to colonize India and stole a diamond from the Indian Raj at that time. In return,

the Rao family cursed his family into doom. Jaya feels as if she must take him down to

repay for what his family has done to hers. There is one solution: make Grey fall in love

with her and shatter his heart. Along this journey find mischief, love, and uncover



I was very excited to read this book by Sandhya Menon as I had read her past

work. The Beauty and Beast spinoff was a light book to enjoy that I thought was done

well for young adults. It is a slow burn with many secrets that are uncovered which was

a nice twist to the story. The most compelling aspect was making Grey a complex

character. As you read the book, you find Grey showing his story little by little. While

having both characters talk through their issues to come to an understanding.


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