Everyone knows Daisy Jones and The Six- the greatest band in the 70s. With the beautiful
enigma Daisy Jones and the mysterious heart-throb Billy Dunne and their band-mates, their
glorious life filled with fame, drugs, love, and attention was picture-perfect. Except, the band
broke up in the middle of their glory after just one album and no one knows why. This book tells
the real and ugly truth as to why the greatest band alive broke up and how maybe things aren't
as surface-level as they seem. I have a lot to say about this book. The concept and the way it
was written were absolutely amazing. I went into this book not knowing exactly what it was
about so the end ruined it for me. If I had known beforehand, I would like this book a lot more
since it’s about the story of why the band broke up. It was a good rollercoaster of emotion and
was overall entertaining, and it talked about serious issues but even if I had known about the
ending before reading, I still wouldn't read it again. It was okay, not the best, (and made me very
angry) so I would give it a 3/5.