This was a very interesting, insightful book that centers on a fatal car crash and the aftermath of the incident. When Reggie, a college student in Utah, drives & kills 2 rocket scientists, he is faced with life-changing consequences. This book follows the aftermath of that crash and how Reggie changes from it. The book also includes many science experiments to really show what may have happened at the time of the crash. Was Reggie distracted & texting? Or was it just an unfortunate accident?
I really enjoyed this book as it made me self-reflect and consider the dangers of driving. I thought that it was really nice how the book switched from Reggie’s story to the science research happening behind-the-scenes. I enjoyed reading about the research as I personally like science, but if you don’t enjoy reading science article or passages, this book may not be entirely for you as there is a LOT of science research. That being said, I really do recommend this book as it’s a great read and an interesting book that kept me interested and taught me a lot. I especially recommend this to teens who drive or just drivers in general. As a note, this switches perspectives each chapter (like Reggie, the Neuroscientists, etc.). Overall, a great read!