The Death Cure

The Death Cure by James Dashner
James Dashner
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
May 17, 2024

In the Headquarters of WICKED, a team full of teenagers has been put to the ultimate test, completing one impossible task to another. Thomas has lost everything, his memories, friends, and even his own identity are gone. As the final tests come to completion by a team of scientists and other people, Thomas wants answers to everything he had to go through. His rebellious nature finally wins and he escapes the complex only to see a whole new world. Will Thomas ever be free from the chains of his past?

This book is a mental game from the start for Thomas because he gets exposed to the devastating truth about the world that was hidden from them because of WICKED. There are also a lot of times in the book where he questions reality and if he should trust his friends and the people who he had been with the experiment. This book like the other two has plenty of action, but to fully understand the storyline, you need to read the books in order. The most compelling aspect of this book is when the main character gets possessed by WICKED because of the brain chip implanted in the brains at an early age and tackles one of his friends.

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