
Sarah B. Larson
Jun 29, 2016

Alex has been forced to disguise herself as a boy and serve in the kings’ army. Her quick wit and fierce sword fighting skills have landed her a revered spot on the prince’s guard. But when a powerful sorcerer sneaks into the castle, she can’t stop him from kidnapping her, another guard, and the prince, taking them deep into the jungle and hostile enemy territory.

This book had a very slow start, picked up 150 pages in and was interesting but predictable. Alexa literally blushed every 2 pages so that was a bit annoying. I wish she had been a stronger heroine. The constant love triangle got very old very fast. It is not really a fantasy, it is more of a predictable and annoying romance. I had high hopes for this book, but I was a little disappointed.

People who love fantasy, steer away from this one, but people who love romances, read on.



Written by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC

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