The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West
Kasie West
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 27, 2023

This book is so sweet. I love how the main character’s perspective changes

throughout the book, and she’s got an amazing attitude. The characters are

great, the writing is great, everything is great!

This book follows main character Caymen Meyers, who works in her family’s

porcelain doll shop. All her life she’s observed the rich who walk in the

shop’s door, looking for an expensive doll. And if she’s learned anything, it’s

that the rich tend to have a short attention span.

“A lot of people don’t get my humor. My mom calls it dry humor. I think

that means “not funny,” but it also means I’m the only one who ever

knows it’s a joke.”

― Kasie West, The Distance Between Us

When Caymen meets Xander Spence, at first she’s suspicious. She assumes

his interest in her will soon vanish, but when it doesn’t, she starts to wonder

if she has been wrong. Xander actually cares, and he actually seems to get

her. Maybe being rich isn’t a person’s whole personality...

Xander and Caymen start to get to know each other more throughout the

book, going on many different adventures. They get a closer look at the other

person’s life, family, and interests. They overcome challenges, statuses, and

everything that tries to step between them.

“Is that your subtle way of saying you missed me last week?"

"I've missed my hot chocolate. I just think of you as the guy who brings it

to me. Sometimes I forget your name and call you hot chocolate guy.”

― Kasie West, The Distance Between Us

In The Distance Between Us, Caymen’s mom has influenced her opinion her

whole life. That the rich are careless, snobby people who want nothing to do

with people like them. They’re nice, but they have no intention of becoming

anything more than acquaintances. So when Caymen gets to know Xander, it

really opens her eyes to how narrow minded it was to assume that just

because someone has money means they’re bad people. And because her

mother believes this, she hides her relationship with Xander from her mother

for almost the whole book.

Overall, I definitely would recommend The Distance Between Us. One of my

favorite parts of the book is Caymen’s dry humor, it’s just an amazing touch.

So while I wouldn’t quite say this is one of my favorite books ever, it is

definitely very good! Enjoy!

Written by
Natalie M.

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