The Diviners

Libba Bray
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 10, 2022

The Diviners is a historical fiction fantasy novel by Libba Bray. It is the first novel in The Diviners

series. It follows Evie O’Neill, who has recently been sent to New York to live with her uncle.

After her uncle is called to a murder scene, she decides to use a secret ability she possess in

order to solve the case. However, the novel also features Memphis, a young man caught in the

occult world, Theta, a girl fleeing her dark past and Jericho, a man hiding a dark secret.

This novel is a unique, genre bending experience. Part fantasy, part horror and part historical

fiction, it uses its setting to its advantage by showing the atmosphere of the time. Bray clearly

spent a lot of time researching the 20s, and uses that knowledge well. Evie is the standout

character in this book, her fun-loving and sassy personality makes her notable and her

development throughout the novel is well-written. However, the other characters in the novel

don't get as much focus and can come across as bland and one-note. Readers may also

become irritated with the 20s slang used.

I recommend this novel for fantasy and historical fiction fans. I rate it 4 stars.

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