
Dune by Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 30, 2022

Dune tells the story of young Paul Atreides, whose family accepts the stewardship of the planet

Arrakis. While the planet is an inhospitable and sparsely populated desert wasteland, it is the

only source of this chemical called "spice". This “spice” cant extend life, enhance mental

abilities, and is fuel for spaceships. This planet is extremely valuable and what starts is a

intergalactic war for the planet Arrakis, Paul and his family attempt to survive political

maneuvering and warfare which is all masterfully written by Frank Herbert.

This book is a classic and moved the science fiction genre. There are many aspects of the book

I loved from the sandworms, to the freemen and their culture. Even the otherworldly powers felt

grounded as Paul Atreides must find his destiny on Arrakis (Dune). I loved the political

maneuvering between the villians and Ben Gesserit as well as how the Atreides Family and the

Empire handled situations as characters suddenly die and/or become something more than

human. This book is extremely fleshed out with the only problems that I had were the pacing felt

rushed towards the end and slow in the beginning. Moreover the main character felt boring and

unrelatable and the author failed in making me empathize with him. However this book is still a

very good political science fiction novel that changed the genre forever.


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