Enrique’s Journey tells a story about the immigration of a young boy (Enrique) who was separated from his mother as she looked for job opportunities in the United States. After longing for his mother for years, he decides to make the journey to find his mother. Alongside the storyline, Nazario explains the difficulty many children like Enrique faced when attempting to immigrate to the U.S. and how they overcame them. The book also describes the future of Enrique and his family after the trip, and how his life changed after it. The major emphasis of this book is regarding worldwide problems such as poverty and immigration. It may be easy to glance over an article about poverty or illegal immigration, but it is different to dedicate time to thoroughly reading a book about it. Enrique’s Journey focuses on intertwined issues worldwide, allowing the reader to think deeply about the subject instead of glancing over a quick article or video about it. I rate this book five marks from a maximum of five.