
Flunked book cover
Jen Calonita
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Mar 24, 2025

Gilly is a thief, and she doesn’t really see a problem with it. Her family needs to eat and isn’t everyone just using their skills to get by? She does however have a problem when her talent gets her sent to fairy tale reform school, a school taught by the villains in the stories of the princesses, not that she likes them much either but still, who all claim they changed their ways and are teaching others as well. Gilly has to play nice for the next three months to get back to her family to help them again but what will happen to her in that time? 

Am I maybe a tad too old for Flunked? Yes. Did I still enjoy it? Absolutely I did. Gilly is such a fun protagonist to stick around with. She’s rebellious and cares a lot about her family. She’s hard not to like. I adore the rest of the cast of characters as well. I could talk about them for a decently long time, but it would be hard to just talk about them in this first book and even that would be difficult without spoilers. It's pretty hard to make all characters good but I would say the author did. I’ll give you a warning. There are six books in the series and another series in the same universe, so I have to say don’t read this if you don’t want to get pulled into reading the rest of the series. It’s a great read for someone in their pre-teens or teens and I would recommend it.

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I Read for Fun

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