Frankenstein by Mary Shelly is a classic that depicts monsters being something more than just the appearance of one person but rather the monster that is inside of you. This book is about a scientist by the name of Victor Frankenstein who creates a monster from pieces of corpses and brings it to life. The message of this story is something that defines the ages, teaching generations to put past the prejudice of everyday life to see within rather than just the appearance of one who is called a monster.
This book is a required reading in my senior year English class, and it makes sense that it is. The main message is one that people can struggle with and with teaching it, it allows for a better understanding of society and what it means to be a kind human in the world. The fact this book stands the test of time can be seen in the writing style as it’s the first real combination of gothic and science fiction. This book, also being written by a woman, is revolutionary especially for its time. I give this book four out of five stars because it's a book that really is a classic and is a good read for anybody. I would recommend this book to horror fans but also just everyday people because it’s such a classic book, the deeper meaning is a way to create discussions around the prejudice of society and who is the true monster.