The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry
Lois Lowry
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 20, 2024

The Giver is set in a seemingly utopian society and the story follows 12-year-old Jonas who is selected to be the next Receiver of Memory - a role that allows him to receive the memories of the true pains and pleasures of life that have been sacrificed for the sake of his community. As Jonas receives these memories from the current Giver, the novel takes readers on a journey exploring the values of individuality, human emotion, and awareness of the past. But as Jonas experiences real memories of love, war, death, and individuality, the sameness is revealed as deeply flawed. His moral awakening drives the tense plot. I really enjoyed this book because Lowry's writing is simple yet profound, making the book very accessible while tackling complex philosophical questions about life's meaning. I like how the book leaves room for interpretation while also portraying how a person's happiness ultimately depends on their freedom to live and experience the full range of human emotions - both the uplifting and painful ones. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about utopian societies or to anyone who wants to read a book with a good lesson because this book easily became an all-time favorite for me and will for others too.

Written by
Z. Ahmed

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