As Good As Dead

As Good as Dead by Holy Jackson
Holly Jackson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 20, 2023

As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson is the third book in the series. The book starts out with Pip

in a very bad place. She still has trauma from Stanley's death in the second book. We find out

that she’s secretly buying sleeping pills from Luke, the drug dealer from the last two books. Pip

is about to head to college but a person keeps threatening her. The threats keep getting worse

and Pip finds out someone is stalking her. She finds out that her stalker and a local serial killer

who was already caught are connected. She wants to figure out who her stalker is by herself,

before she’s the one who turns up missing.

I literally have no words for this book! Pip’s character change is CRAZY! She used to be this

innocent girl, but in this book we get to see her violent alter ego. I personally liked the Pip from

the first book. This book went in all sorts of crazy directions. This series is one of my favorites. I

definitely recommend this book to anyone who has read the first two books. I give this book a






Spoilers: PIP KILLED SOMEONE??!!!!! This part really shocked me. When I read that part I

literally had to put the book down and take a deep breath before continuing to read it. I still can’t

believe Jason Bell was the killer. I didn’t think he was this bad of a character until reading this

book. I still can't believe Pip and Ravi agreed to blame it on Max Hastings! I feel like Pip made it

worse by involving her friends. I really hate the police in this series. This series was a real

rollercoaster. It was such a depressing end. I still really liked the direction this book went in

because it just made the series a whole lot better. When I read the first book I did not think the

last book would end like it did.


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