A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
Holly Jackson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 2, 2024

For her final Capstone project, Pippa Fitz-Amobi wants to solve a murder case from five years ago. A case where Andie Bell was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Everyone in Fairview is set on that conclusion and the case was closed. Pippa however has a hard time believing it. The more she uncovers, the deeper down the rabbit hole she goes. But someone in Fairview doesn’t want her to keep digging and soon Pippa is in danger. There’s no way Pippa wouldn’t have back up for things though. Criminals are arrested and Pippa never anticipates her project would turn into this. 

What captivated me the most about A Good Girl's Guide to Murder was how deep Pippa went when solving the murder mystery. She interviewed people the police wouldn’t think to and had connections that allowed her to do so. The reason I initially gave it lower than a 5-star rating was because I got a bit bored in the middle. However, looking back it was insignificant when considering the entire picture. The suspension began to rise 75% of the way through, which made me want to take notes to try and figure out who it was. My jaw actually dropped at the very end because of how surprised I was. I would recommend it to my friends and people my age (14) and older.

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