In a world where the first-born child of every noble family is burdened with a horrible curse, the second-born daughter of the Solon family, Cerise Solon, is an acolyte to the court. Like all the second-born children of the realm she is beholden to serve the goddess and become a Seer, only Cerise has no magical gift at all. But the only possible way to end the curse lies in Cerise's hands. With the help of the Half-King whose curse is to exist during the day and fade into nothingness as night, Cerise must find a way to break the curse and prevent the king from disappearing into the shadows on his 21st birthday.
This book is an entertaining read for anyone interested in magical fantasy novels. While predictable at times, the book does a good job of adding unexpected twists and turns as the reader uncovers the hidden secrets surrounding Cerise. This is a book I would recommend and one I definitely will go back and read again. The compelling plot, combined with the fascinating character dynamics make it a story that you won’t forget.