Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book in the world acclaimed Harry Potter series. This book follows Harry in his second year at Hogwarts as he continues to fall into strange adventures, face new foes and develop his magic. Suddenly messages written in blood start showing up on the walls of Hogwarts corridors, and people seem to think Harry is to blame. With his friends Ron and Hermione, he sets off to investigate the threats. This book is a bit darker than the first, but I think it's still appropriate for most readers. The tales of friendship and courage are fantastic, and the storyline is deeply involved. The way new characters and plotlines are added into the story is really interesting, and it continues to give people a larger glimpse of the world of Harry Potter.
I enjoyed this book because of its depth. The story follows the three main characters, but also discusses other themes and events in the magical world. We see the emergence of magical creatures and beings, and also the influence of more evil powers. One of my favorite characters in this book is Dobby, a courageous house elf who helps Harry. Characters like this bring a lot of light to the series and involve readers on a personal level, making it another fantastic read.