Harry Potter’s second year at Hogwarts takes a turn for the worse when a hidden chamber is opened, unleashing a dark creature that terrorizes students. As fear spreads throughout the school, Harry, Hermione, and Ron are determined to piece together clues about the chamber’s origins and its connection to Salazar Slytherin. With the help of a mysterious diary, they uncover bewildering secrets about the school’s past - but time is running out, and Harry must face grave danger before his closest friends succumb to the growing threat.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets takes this series from a cheerful and comforting territory to a dark and suspenseful vibe and has an excellent storyline that hints toward the trio’s future journeys together. The mystery regarding the Chamber of Secrets and Tom Riddle’s diary keeps the story engaging while also leaving yourself wondering what happens next. J.K. Rowling developed secondary characters such as Dobby the house elf and Ginny Weasley, which was helpful in taking away the focus upon Harry, Ron, and Hermione, making the story feel less repetitive. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a great book and deserves a 4 out of 5.