In the final book of the Harry Potter series, Harry and his two closest friends - Ron and Hermione - set off on a mission to destroy the dark forces that are terrorizing the wizarding world. Their objective is to hunt down and eliminate Voldemort’s Horcruxes, so they have a chance of beating the dark lord once and for all. Along the way, they will uncover secrets about the past, face life-threatening challenges, and learn about the mysterious legend of the Deathly Hallows. As the battle to dominate the wizarding world intensifies, the trio must face their biggest fears and prepare for the most intense battle the world would ever see.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows wraps up one of the best, most well-renowned series of books in literature. Through the beginning and middle of the book, J.K. Rowling perfectly captures the feeling of hopelessness that Harry feels. There is a clear emphasis on the high-stakes plot and the constant danger Harry, and his friends face as they venture off the main road. Also, the climax of the book is very satisfying and provides closure to a series that started 1997 and ended in 2007 - 10 years of unforgettable storytelling. It’s impossible not to give this book a five out of five.