Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 28, 2022

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Is a wonderful and popular fantasy book written by J.K

Rowling. This book is about a 15 year old teenager with a strange lightning scar on his forehead

named Harry. In his fifth year, Harry learns after the reemergence of Lord Voldemort that many in

the wizarding community do not know the truth of his encounter or don’t want to believe him.

The Minister of Magic appoints the cruel Dolores Umbridge as Defense Against the Dark Arts

teacher out of fear of Dumbeldore. But her teaching is deficient and her methods are evil. Harry

decides with his best friends that he needs a group of students to defend the school against the

rising tide of evil wizards and witches. As Voldemort power grows Harry must doing everything

in his power to prepare to defeat him. This school years comes with more hardships with

teachers, wizards, and Hogwarts itself as this fantasy world becomes darker than ever.

In my opinion this book is great at showing the differences between the different sides of the

Wizarding world from Dumbledore and his allies, to the Ministry of Magic, to the rising

generation of wizards at Hogwarts. Many people believe Harry is delusional and Harry

overcoming this to teach his class what it takes to fight evil wizards and defeat them was

amazing to read. Harry showing leadership skills was fun to read, as well the horrible exploits of

Umbridge always had a looming threat about. The final act was even better as Harry and his

friends training are finally put up to the test as they face powerful wizards alongside

heartbreaking stakes where we truly see the writer’s strong will to stomach killing of characters.

This book was the darkest so far with my only criticisms being the one dimeniolasim of Harry of

being a angry teenager was annoying. Moreover the book was a bit too long and could have

had certain scenes cut to have a tighter plot.


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