The Hate U Give

The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas
Angie Thomas
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 19, 2023

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is a very empowering book. The book follows Starr Carter

who witnesses the shooting of her best friend by a police officer. After his death, people started

calling Khalil (her friend who was shot) names. No one knows what went down that night, only

Starr does. The story focuses on Starr fighting for justice for her friend and her community.

I really liked this book. There is a lot of hype about this book and after I read it, I understood

why. The book focuses on racism, stereotypes, and injustice and it is very inspirational. This

book talks about issues people face in the world today that are important for people to know

about. The amount of things you learn from this book is astonishing. It makes you wonder if our

world is even close to a utopia. It is full of emotions and a lot of parts of this book are really sad.

I would definitely recommend this book and think it should be on everyone’s book list. I give this

book a 5/5.


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