The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is mystery fiction and the second book in the series. After the secrets that were unveiled in the last book, Avery Grams must continue the search as to why she has the inheritance. Now, she must find who has the answers to her questions, the man who refuses to be found. She knows she’s not a Hawthorne by blood, thanks to a DNA test but there are too many leads to her family history. Now, there’s more than one mystery, and things–and feelings–are about to get complicated. This book was so amazing, there was never a slow moment and honestly, the ending was unpredictable. It was a constant state of who’s right and trying to follow the clues. There were some things that made me mad but it made the story even more enjoyable. The plot twists were shocking. The mystery was great, the characters were amazing, and the chemistry and complications were even better.
Overall, definitely a 5/5 and a great sequel!