Hellboy, the Complete Short Stories. Volume 2 is an anthology of various comics released in between the main series and usually takes place prior to the first volume. Now, this collection isn’t quite as strong as the first, but it’s still a solid read. The story featuring Baba Yaga is pretty solid, especially because of the consequences it has on the main series. You don’t necessarily have to have read the first volume, or even any other Hellboy story, but it is recommended. Since they were all originally published separately, it can feel kind of disjointed at times, as can the art. While all the art is good, Mignola’s art stands far above the rest. It just fits the tone so perfectly, causing everything else to feel a bit weaker in comparison. A great read for Hellboy fans, even if it doesn’t reach the highs of Mignola’s other work, it’s still some solid macabre fun.