The Help features three women who are seemingly ordinary that take an extra step to become extraordinary. It's 1962 and Skeeter has just graduated and returns home to her mother, who is unhappy that Skeeter has a degree but not a husband. Aibileen is a black maid who is raising her next white child out of many, and after the death of her only son, she becomes devoted to make a change to a child that is not hers. Minny, Aibileen’s best friend, is known to have lost many jobs because of her sharp tongue. When she finally finds a position working for a strange woman, Minny realizes she’s not the only one hiding secrets. Despite the vast differences between all three women, they all come together for a project that could put them all in terrible risk but would expose the seemingly flawless exterior of their small town in Jackson, Mississippi.
This book was wonderful. The differences between Skeeter, Minny, and Aibileen are prominent but they are united by one thing: womanhood and the lines that they are unable to cross but will do so anyway in order to get their voices out. The novel clearly shows the dangers that African Americans experienced, as well as the maids who were fired and had their reputation tarnished due to a false accusation of stealing jewelry or other lies. Skeeter’s journey into writing a small article of a newspaper to writing and publishing her own book was incredible to watch and I loved how everything was taken in a nicely paced manner. Minny’s relationship with Celia was lovely and I enjoyed their friendly bantering and the way that Minny slowly begins to care about her more and more as the story progresses. Aibileen’s chapters made me want to cry because of her relationship with all the children that she cared for and then watching them turn into racists was unfair, but something that often occurred during the 1960s. I also specifically liked the stark contrast between the way that Ms. Hilly and Ms. Leefolt take care of their children as Ms. Leefolt makes her maid do all the work while Ms. Hilly takes care of her children by herself and without the interference of a maid. This book was told beautifully and the way that the plot developed was all natural and not too rushed or too slow.