The Hero of Ages

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 19, 2024

Brandon Sanderson’s book, The Hero of Ages, is the third book in the Mistborn series. The book follows Vin and Elend as they search the world for hints on how to defeat Ruin. All the while they must fight against both the ash, which is becoming threatening to supplies and covering tons of land and the armies of Ruin, which have become very daunting. This book is not as impressive as the first book in the series due to its ebb and flow of interesting parts. However, the best parts of the book make it impossible to set the book down. There are boring parts, including Spook’s mission and some of the TenSoon parts. However the ending, along with some of the parts that follow Sazed, are very interesting. I would give this a five star rating despite the poor parts of the book, mainly because the best parts are so good. Specifically the aftermath of the battle between Vin and Ruin where Sazed realizes his destiny and his reason for preserving all of the knowledge. It wraps the story up very nicely in a satisfying way.

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