Hook, Line, and Sinker

Hook, Line, and Sinker
Tessa Bailey
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 3, 2023

Fox is the well-known playboy of a small West Coast fishing town, traveling up to Seattle for

short flings every weekend - except he hasn’t for the last seven months, ever since he walked

his best friend Brandon’s playful and music-loving sister-in-law, Hannah to a record store.

However, his reputation remains and he can’t seem to rid himself of the image that others see -

even Brandon makes him swear to stay away from Hannah. Telling himself that he doesn’t want

to ruin her reputation, he tries to distance himself from Hannah. But soon enough, he finds

himself being roommates with her, and try as he might, he can’t seem to stay away.

I liked this book a lot better than the previous one. I thought the characters were better

developed and more likable, and the plot and message of the book were more interesting. One

complaint I had was the author’s consistent mention of different musical artists - while it served

to show how passionate Hannah was about music, I didn’t necessarily also like the same music

and it led to me thinking that she had somewhat bad music taste with a few exceptions. On the

whole however, I enjoyed this and found it much improved from the last one. I would give it

three out of five stars.


Written by
Mariam S.

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