The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti
Chelsea Sedoti
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 13, 2022

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett is a story about Hawthorn Creely who has recently found an

obsession with Lizzie Lovetts disappearance, a popular,charming girl that used to go to her

highschool. Hawthorn finds herself fascinated by Lizzie and starts immersing herself in her life.

At first she does it unknowingly by getting a job at the cafe where Lizzie worked, but then she

meets Lorenzo Calvetti, Lizzie's boyfriend. The two of them, driven by wanting to find out what

happened to the beautiful girl that everyone once loved, start to go on hikes to try to find her;

this is when hawthorn spins up her idea of Lizzie being a werewolf. So the two of them go on

these adventures to try and find Lizzie in her werewolf form. Somewhere along the way these

two catch feelings for each other and get into a very concerning relationship considering that

Enzo was 25 and Hawthorn was 17 and they were looking for Enzo's missing girlfriend.

I thought this book was very misleading. I was expecting to read a captivating page turner

where a teenage girl solved a mystery in her small town. Like the cover said. Instead I was met

with a book about a problematic, whiny teenager that was trying to make her life more

fascinating by pretending that a missing girl was actually a werewolf. Something that deep down

inside her and Enzo never really believed. I think the main character Hawthorn was very hard to

like in my opinion. She was always complaining about how her life was so unfair and how the

world was so cruel to her just because she wasn't popular in school. She also stated some very

rude and harsh things like how “Something horrible could never happen to a girl like Lizzy” in

her words. Don't waste your time with this book. It made me want to stop reading so many times

but I'm not one to drop a book midway so I kept on reading. Don't make the same mistake I did.

Written by
Sahavi B.

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