I Kissed Shara Wheeler

I Kissed Shara Wheeler is Casey McQuiston
Casey McQuiston
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 8, 2022

In Chloe Green’s small town of False Beach, Alabama, the golden girl has disappeared.

Shara Wheeler, principal’s daughter and queen bee of Willgrove Christian Academy kisses

Chloe in the school elevator - and then vanishes, leaving only a trail of pink note cards with

confusing messages on them. To figure out this strange mystery, Chloe teams up with star

football player Smith and resident mysterious guitar-player Rory (both recipients of kisses from

Shara as well). Their search for answers will reveal surprising things - about Willgrove, about

False Beach, about Shara, and about themselves.

This book was a fast-paced read, with a mystery to keep you intrigued throughout the

whole book. Though from time to time the prose feels a bit awkward and almost like it’s trying

too hard to seem like it’s from a teenager’s POV, overall I really enjoyed reading this book. The

end is really satisfying (if a bit hard to believe) and the tension between characters feels realistic

and suspenseful. The novel also manages to communicate a meaningful message about

stereotyping certain types of people - like people who live in the South or go to church. I would

give it four out of five stars.


Written by
Mariam S.

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